Continuing the Legacy

A legacy has less to do with what you’ve earned and more of what you’ve learned and then passed on to others. For beloved MedCo team member Lorri Tuttle, she learned that giving back to her community was an important lesson; one she teaches to others by her example. Lorri has worked for MedCo as an Insurance Specialist in the Revenue Accelerations Department for over three years. Every bonus check she received during this time was given back to the community. Recently, Lorri was abruptly diagnosed with latter stage cancer and is no longer able to work.
Today, MedCo Services is proud to help continue Lorri’s legacy on her behalf. Lorri believed in the importance of giving to those in need, and in recognition of this, MedCo, under Lorri’s direction, donated her last bonus check. On August 23, 2022, Joe Uptain, CEO of MedCo Services, and Terri Edger, Vice President of Operation, presented a check to Jamie Hill, Principal of Discovery Middle School. The money that Discover Middle School received will be used to help students whose homes were damaged earlier this month by fire. Lorri, it was an honor on our part. Let us all share your example to the world around us.