Message from the President

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
I want to take a brief moment to wish all of you and your families a blessed holiday season. As we start to return to normalcy, I hope that you are able to take this time and gather to celebrate with family and friends.
While 2021 has been a much better overall than 2020, it has still contained some unique challenges and treacherous navigations. Internally, it has forced us all to continually adapt and learn how to operate during unprecedented times. As work from home opportunities grew, our company relocated to a sustainable building which accommodated our onsite team while continuing to increase the members of our team who work from home. With our client partners, regulations have loosened so that we can again work closely to resolve issues that continue to evolve in the clinical and financial healthcare world. Collectively, we have learned to be nimble and adapt to the challenges that surround us while learning to embrace change.
As we are winding down 2021, I am very much looking forward to 2022. Regardless of what surprises it may bring, I truly believe we are poised for next year to be our finest hour. The future is bright and I, for one, greatly appreciate our team members and client partners who continue to conquer all obstacles in our path.

God bless and Happy Holidays!